It's Spring! Time for Photos!
I love Spring! Really what's not to love? But for a child photographer who specializes in outdoor photography with children in the CT and NY areas, this is the time. The flowers are blooming. I live in the country and everywhere I look there are dandelions (yes some might consider them weeds, not me!) and purple, pink, white flowers growing wild at the side of the road. Blossoms are sprouting on trees. The world is a glorious Monet painting!
I am also lucky enough to have Purple Heather Floral Design able to provide me with the most glorious flower crowns. Purple Heather uses flowers that are in season and is so talented at designing the most unique arrangements. Here is a flower crown that I asked for, pink and white to match the blossoms on the trees (and then I didn't use many of those blossoms in the photos lol). I asked her also to create one to surprise me and it was truly of that one to follow in the next blog!! Maybe not quite as exciting as waiting for a Game of Thrones episode but almost!