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Having been on hiatus through Covid, and for personal reasons, the last couple of years, I decided to try and get myself out there a little more, and entered a gallery competition held by PhotoPlace Gallery in Vermont. The theme was "Color" and was juried by Arthur Meyerson. I don't think of "color" as my medium which may be surprising to some as obviously my website is nearly all color. But I began photography before the digital age when you had to choose between loading your camera with black & white negative film or color negative. I loaded up my little canon camera (which later became a Hasselblad medium format) with black & white film and never looked back. Until digital took over. And even then, for all my fine art work, the color was quickly turned to black & white or sepia via Photoshop. Monochrome spoke to me. It's soulfulness resonated with me. Even to this day, when I work in color, I try to catch a glimpse of that soulfulness. I don't need the children I photograph smiling. Of course a genuine smile is always endearing and soulful, but I love a frown just as much. Show me "you" in all your colors. And with my newborn photography, I am drawn to subtle tones for the most part, creams, whites, browns, blacks or muted color tones. Color is difficult, I don't think it comes easily to me as it seems to for many photographers. As Arthur Meyerson said in his Juror's statement: "One of the first things I explain to my workshop participants is just how hard it is to make a color photograph, print it, frame it, hang it on the wall, walk past it every day, and still have it resonate with you. Color has many attributes...descriptive,seductive, deceptive. It is also an addition, and not everything we add to a photograph works."

Sometimes I am not sure what is "working", and I wasn't sure the photograph I chose to enter was "working". It is such a deceptively simple image. A moment in time. No crazy additions, no compositing (even though I enjoy that), it simply was and is it's self...and yet as Arthur later wrote in his Juror's statement, every time I saw this photograph it "resonated" with me. And ultimately, art, to be art, must touch you in some way, else it is just a picture.


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